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Autumn . Sports Festival

Through vines we are connected. In unity, we will bloom again.
Like the tide, we will change. Within the waves, we are home.

“Though we must part once the sun rises, my dear, I pray that we will meet again someday.”  

⎡ autumn 2020 ⎦

It is an old, old tradition for the sister high schools Asagao Academy and Kairyou High to hold an annual interschool sports festival. This tradition has gone on for longer than most can remember - many wonder why the two decided to host this in the first place. Each year, the schools take turns hosting the big event, with students from all years joining in to participate in friendly sports activities and fun games.


This year, the host is: Asagao Academy!


Students from Kairyou High will be staying at a nearby hotel in Kamogawa for an extended 4-day weekend. The students of both schools will have the opportunity to hang out and get to know one another throughout the weekend. There will be plenty of time to bond and explore the Asagao Academy campus and surrounding city. On the day of the sports festival, each student will be randomised into one of five teams. Teams will compete together in various games to try to win points; the team with the highest number of points at the end will be declared the winner! The student council members have done their best to organise this event and they hope that everyone can have fun together and make some new friends! 

Additionally, it has also been revealed to the students how the two sister schools came to be. You may view the history here.

⎡ activities ⎦


Sports festivals are always a huge event in Japan! Every year, students are split off into different teams and compete against each other in all sorts of games and sports. Students test their strengths and willpower throughout different kind of courses, sharing friendly rivalries and creating meaningful bonds with teammates along the way. Kairyou's sports festival has always been participated alongside Asagao Academy, and it is normal for students to compete with and against each other every year! Reunite with old friends, spark new friendly rivalries, and have a blast with this year's inter-school sports festival!


Students from Kairyou High won't just be spending their days in Kamogawa hustling about in the sun! During their stay with Asagao Academy, there will be activities planned out before and after the sports festival to get Kairyou students accustomed to their counterparts from their sister school! Mini activities have been planned out in collaboration with both school's student council team, so please look out for it!


⎡ details ⎦

Event Duration | 12th - 30th October

Event Submissions | artwork, literature, RP logs all accepted

Event hashtag | #kairyousportsfest2020 | #AAxKHSportsFest @ twitter

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