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Summer . Tanabata


⎡ summer 2020 ⎦

The summer heat was rising up, and the students of Kairyou High all began to anticipate the upcoming summer break! Thankfully, there weren't many who had to stay back for summer classes, and most students were able to prepare to go back home. This year, summer break willl last from July 20th to August 31th. Students can either opt to move out of their dorms and return back to their homes until the next semester arrives, or choose to stay in their dorms throughout summer break. Although the school may be slightly empty, rest assured, teachers are still present in case of emergencies. Furthermore, there are still many things students can do to pass the time! 

With all things said, we hope the students of Kairyou High have an enjoyable summer break this year!

⎡ activities ⎦


What is summer without summer festivals? Every July 7th, the town of Ichinomiya hosts a festival for Tanabata, otherwise known as the Star Festival. This festival celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, who in the legend, were lovers separated by the Milky Way and could only meet once a year. A popular activity during this festival is writing wishes on tanzaku and hanging them on bamboo. There will also be a parade, along with several food stalls, as per any typical festival!


Summer is here! What will you be doing? Will you be going home to spend time with your family, or will you be staying back in the dorms? Ever thought about taking up a part-time job in town? Perhaps you could even plan a short trip out of Ichinomiya with friends? The possibilities are endless! Especially for the third year students, make sure to spend your summer well!


⎡ details ⎦

Event Duration | 1st - 31st July

Event Submissions | artwork, literature, RP logs all accepted

Event hashtag | #kairyoutanabata or #kairyousummerbreak @ twitter


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