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Spring. Hanamatsuri


⎡ spring 2020 ⎦

It was a yet another fresh start for the students at Kairyou High – students can be seen moving back into the school dormitories and preparing for the new school year. When it came to the first day of school, one could easily spot how the students were swarming around the notice boards to see which class they were going to be in, and the cool spring breeze brought forth some stray flower petals from the nearby cherry blossom trees in the school compound.

The school morning assembly went along smoothly, as did the welcome speeches from both the student council president and vice president, Kashimura Miharu and Miyauchi Kouhei. Thankfully the assembly didn't go on for too long, and soon all students were sent back to their classrooms. The students who were already inside were chatting idly, while some listened in meekly, maybe even nervously. There were both new and familiar faces, from those who had gone to the same middle school or grew up in the same neighbourhood, to kids that came all the way from the city or even overseas.

Whether it be the first, second, or even the third years, the atmosphere was the same. Despite so, the students of Kairyou High were more than eager to start their high school life and have a blast this year!

⎡ activities ⎦


Every year at Kairyou High, the student dormitories will be randomised so students are unlikely to stick with the same roommate twice. How is your new roommate like? Do you think the two of you would be a good fit? Or do you already foresee disasters for the rest of the year?! Interact with your new roomie and pray that the two of you will be able to get along together!


It's time to make some new friends! Or well, catch up with your old ones! Did you get closer to someone during the winter holidays? Or perhaps you see a new face in class and you're keen to know them better? Don't be shy, the students of Kairyou High don't bite! In fact, you can even seek out new clubs or even form one of your own, the Student Council might just approve it! If you're adventurous enough, you can even sneak into the other years' classrooms to befriend fellow kouhais or senpais! 


Okay, so maybe the students couldn't celebrate the Hanamatsuri festival in school. But that doesn't mean the cherry blossoms are gone! There may not be as many cherry blossom trees in town as compared to the big cities, but there's definitely enough around the school compound for the students of Kairyou High to enjoy! Chit chat under the trees after school or have a picnic during the weekends, anything goes!

⎡ details ⎦

Event Duration | 18th - 31st May

Event Submissions | artwork, literature, RP logs all accepted

Event hashtag | #kairyouhanamatsuri @ twitter

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