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 You, with nowhere to go and nowhere to return to. . .

I will give you a place to belong.


With my powers as a god,

I will give you a name and you shall be my servant.

Under an alternate alias, I use my life to make you my vessel.

By bestowing upon you a new name,

I permit you to now remain by my side for longer than kin. 

The bridge between the world of the Living and the Underworld has always been fragile.

However . . .

It goes without saying that those from the Far Shore should not intermingle with those in the Near Shore. Yet, there are those who have managed to creep their way into human society and endanger humans by corrupting the goodness in their hearts. These entities that corrupt the human mind and inflict negative thoughts are known as Phantoms. The only beings known to be able to expel these phantoms are deities, otherwise known as Gods — supernatural beings worshiped for having control over the fate of humans' fortunes and well-being. Apart from their usual duties of fulfilling human wishes, their tasks also include protecting the humans from phantoms by executing them.

In order to do so, Gods require special tools known as Shinki. Shinkis are human souls that were unable to pass on naturally, and as such they become pure, wandering spirits in the Near Shore. The Gods view shinkis as those who deserve a second chance at life, and so they turn these pure spirits into sacred weapons or items that aid them in battle against the phantoms.

( Click below for the AU guide. )


For this AU event,  we have made a NON MANDATORY character template! Feel free to use it when you draw your OC in their Godly Disciple or Shinki outfit. No art requirements are needed for this, you can go from full blown rendered art to rough sketch. Anything goes! If your OC is a Shinki, you may choose to draw their vessel form if you'd like, but you can also choose to completely omit it. Click on the template to get the PSD and PNG version!


( Font used: Elbrush )


Test of the Gods


Every year, an important event is hosted by the officials in Heaven —


The test of the Gods.


It had been a few good centuries since the custom of accepting godly disciples became a common practice among the deities. However, it is crucial for the gods to maintain the quality of their students, especially since these students would be taking over their godly role in the future. As such, the gods have mutually agreed to host a recurring assessment that could help preserve the finesse and integrity of their godly disciples, as well as observing their passion and commitment to protecting the humans. Thus, the test of the Gods is established. 


The officials in the Heavenly court, consisting of the most powerful and influential gods in Japan, are in charge of selecting a location within the country where phantoms loom at large. From there, the godly disciples are sent to said location where they are tasked with eradicating all phantoms within the area and protecting the humans from committing sins. This test is held annually, and the attendance of all godly disciples are mandatory. This round’s location is set for Ichinomiya, a coastal town in the Chiba Prefecture. It is time yet again for the godly disciples and their shinki to show off their training and skills, as well as upholding the reputation of their teachers, who are supervising from the Heavens above. How shall they fare this year?

Phantom Counter



All Phantoms found

 Event Duration |  5th - 31st January

 Event Submissions |  artwork, literature, RP logs all accepted

 Event hashtag |  #KHNoragamiAU @ twitter


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